Sai Kumar, Rakshita.N, Sharon Rubanvathi.M
Time and Trend has its own significance to build the technology smarter, better and easier to the end user. To the Better stretch of the Information Technology, the Innovation and renovation has changed computing approach to the next level. In this paper, we try to give the glimpse of the contextual virtual cloud storage in the public data distribution in terms of the Database in the virtualized Data Storage. These days cloud storage become common, but having the constraint towards the technical advancement is the Security. If we consider behavioral aspect of the cloud storage, we will come across much aspect. Hence, In this one we have overcome the public protection in terms of the privacy towards the authorization of public audit, which we call it as the best to the trend of the acknowledgement based identification with the cryptographic model where ever the node to the parallel cloud distributed elastic stretchable environment with the high end cloud data center marinating the graphics of the flow triggering the security in the public Domain. Considering all the aspects ; the classical Database and these days database has its own advantage to make overcome the hindrance to make the scalability, performance , efficiency and at the end the security is the major which the no-sqlite like Cassandra can overcome.
Data Storage, Privacy Preserving, Cloud Database, Cassandra, Confidentiality, Encryption, Adaptively Cost Model