Utilization of Cassava Dried Meal in Native Chicken Ration

Utilization of Cassava Dried Meal in Native Chicken Ration

V. Kumaravel

V. Kumaravel "Utilization of Cassava Dried Meal in Native Chicken Ration" Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Volume-2 | Issue-6 , December 2015, URL: http://www.ijtrd.com/papers/IJTRD235.pdf

Cassava usage in human consumption has declined dramatically and fluctuation of market price is incredibly high every year. Cassava Dried Meal (CDM) are rich in carbohydrates, but low in protein, amino acids and thus used mainly as a source of energy in livestock and poultry feed. An on farm trial was conducted to assess the feeding value of CDM in native chicken replacing broken rice. The trial was conducted where native chicken are reared in intensive system of management with farm capacity of 500 birds. Birds were separated at random into two equal groups wherein one group fed with CDM and another was control group fed with broken rice. CDM was included in the ration at 10 per cent level replacing broken rice. The daily feed intake, weight gain, and livability were recorded. At the end of 90 days, the average body weight was 1.17 kg per bird in CDM group and 1.15 kg in broken rice group. The feed conversion ratio was 3.74 in CDM group and 3.83 in broken rice group. The livability was insignificant between broken rice group (96.2 per cent) and CDM (95.7 per cent). The cost of production per kg live weight was Rs. 109 in CDM group and 115 in broken rice group. The results revealed that, performance of CDM fed group and broken rice fed group were comparable, however CDM incorporation in native chicken ration could be more cost-effective when the market price of CDM is lower than the broken rice.

Cassava Dried Meal, Native Chicken, Broken Rice

Volume-2 | Issue-6 , December 2015


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