Chandradwaz Naik, Meka Uma Reddy
Drying, is the removal of relatively small amount of water or other liquid from the solid material to reduce the residual liquid content to an acceptable low value. In general drying, hot stream of air or steam is being supplied continuously over the material to be dried directly or indirectly irrespective of types of dryer. In this case the main heat transfer takes place by convection and the conductional heat transfer is negligible. For the sake of conservation of energy, pulse drying is an alternative of drying technique in the present time where the main objective is to provide time for heat conduction In this study of “Mechanism of Pulse Drying” drying experiments were carried out in both continuous and pulsating manner by varying temperature of heating medium and pulse duration to demonstrate the technique. Trial experiments were carried out using card-board varying temperatures (690C, 580C& 470C) & pulse (10/10s, 20/20s, 30/30s) and then the experiments were continued for green peas (Pisum sativum) with variation of pulses (without pulse, 5/5s pulse, 10/10s pulse, 15/15s pulse & 20/20s pulse). It was seen that both high & low pulse durations of drying are not preferable. The experimental data were co-related with various thin layer drying models and it was found that the Modified Page model is the best model for the obtained experimental data with coefficient correlation of more than 0.997Keywords— pulse drying, conservation of energy
Pulse Drying, Conservation of Energy