Critical Paradigm of Women in Select Plays of Shakespeare

Critical Paradigm of Women in Select Plays of Shakespeare


K.Lavanya "Critical Paradigm of Women in Select Plays of Shakespeare" Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Special Issue | NCSPW-17 , March 2017, URL:

The historical records reveal that the position of women in the society was miserable. During Shakespeare‘s period womenwere bound to rules and convention of the patriarchal Elizabethan era. ?Women were to be seen, and not heard” was the slogan of theera. Apart from the strictly regulated Elizabethan society, the representations of women have been depicted in diverse ways inShakespeare dramas where he represents a controversial female figure of the Renaissance period.According to Virginia Woolf, “Shakespeare is the writer who made his writings transparent and free of anypersonal vices for delineating the women characters in his tragedies”. Shakespeare‘s women characters that in their richnesstranscend the limitations of time and so Shakespeare‘s theme become timeless.


Special Issue | NCSPW-17 , March 2017


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