Cluster Head Selection Routing Protocol Using Fuzzy Logic

Cluster Head Selection Routing Protocol Using Fuzzy Logic

S. Zindhu

S. Zindhu "Cluster Head Selection Routing Protocol Using Fuzzy Logic" Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Volume-2 | Issue-5 , October 2015, URL:

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is made up of small batteries, sensor nodes, powered devices with limited energy resources and computational power. So, for long time working we need to save energy and balancing the energy consumption. In WSN, data is measured by nodes and same is send to the Base Station at regular intervals. These nodes are used to monitor physical condition and to pass their data through the wireless network to the main location. The crucial issues in wireless sensor network are to create a more energy efficient system. The clustering is one kind of mechanism and to reduce the network energy consumption. The routing process involves the Clustering of nodes and the selection of Cluster Head nodes (CH). These cluster which sends all the information to the Cluster Head Leader (CHL). After that, the cluster head leaders send aggregate the data to the Base Station (BS). The selection of cluster heads and cluster head leaders is performed by using Fuzzy Logic and the data transmission process is performed by shortest energy path.

Fuzzy Logic; Wireless Sensor Network; Cluster Head; Shortest Energy Path

Volume-2 | Issue-5 , October 2015


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