The aim of our project is to safeguard the harvested grains from being spoiled by insects, microbial attack, air and water which decrease the quality as well as quantity of threshed (harvested) grains. Storage is one of the biggest problems in an agricultural country like India where million tones of harvested grains is lost by different factors headed above. The intelligent warehouse system consists of an automatic roof which is made up of panel of solar cells contains the sensor devices to protect natural forces like fire, rain, sunlight and wind. The sensor is used to prevent the crops from dust and different unwanted particles which causes alteration in the quality of grains. This project is developed with various sensor devices which prevent the crop from various natural accidents by raising proper alarm. This leads to the great amount of loss. Farmers have wide range of diversity to select suitable paddy crops. However, the cultivation of the paddy crop is high the protection of cultivated paddy is very essential element.
Grain Processing