Uko Uyoata. S, Olatunji Ololade. M, Udom Ikpe. J
Heavy metals in the soil have continued to pose a serious threat to the environment and its users, especially human beings. In this research, Assessing the Human Health Implications of an Electronic Wastes Dumpsite in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria was carried out. Twelve soil samples were taken at the dumpsite for investigation at the laboratory. This was done to assess the level of concentration of some heavy metals within the dumpsite which could be used to find out the health risk associated with the concentration levels. After the analysis, the mean values for the soil (in mg/kg) both at the dumpsite and the control, twenty metres away from the source were; Cadmium (Cd): 2.782 and 1.008, Chromium (Cr): 17.293 and 4.401, Lead (Pb) : 10.332 and 5.586, Arsenic (As) : 0.226 and 0.131, Mercury (Hg):0.012 and <0.001, Iron (Fe) : 31.089 and 14.091, Manganese (Mn) : 5.062 and 1.409, Nickel (Ni): 17.29 and 5.326. From the analyzed result, Cd, Pb and As at both the source and the control exceeded the soil limit values of 0.8, 8.5 and <0.001 mg/kg from both the World Health Organization (WHO, 2020) and Federal Ministry of Environment (FMENv) standards. Cr, Hg and Ni did not exceed the standard limit of 100, 1.9 and 35 mg/kg. It was based on these findings that health risk assessment was modelled for both the soil and the groundwater. The results showed all health indices exceeding one for adults, children and infants indicating a high risk of adverse health effects.
Electronic Wastes, WEEE - Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment, SS- Soil Sample, SSC- Soil Sample Control, GW - Groundwater, GWC - Groundwater Control