Employees Perception about Organizational HR Practices and Culture in IT Companies in India

Employees Perception about Organizational HR Practices and Culture in IT Companies in India

Annem Saranya, V. Suryanarayana

Annem Saranya, V. Suryanarayana "Employees Perception about Organizational HR Practices and Culture in IT Companies in India" Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Special Issue | IJTRD , July 2023, URL: http://www.ijtrd.com/papers/IJTRD27028.pdf

Employee organisational commitment is influenced by human resource management (HRM) practises and policies in Indian textile spinning mills. The current study used a descriptive and explanatory technique, and the data were gathered by distributing a closed-ended questionnaire to 100 employees of five well-known Indian IT organisations. Additionally, secondary sources including journals, newspapers, working papers, theses, etc. were used to gather the data. To determine the relationship between HRM practises and organisational commitment, the data was analysed for frequency (descriptive analysis) and correlation. Out of the five HRM practises, training and development, welfare activities, and compensation & benefits have been found to have the greatest impact on organisational commitment. The study's findings suggest that in order to increase organisational commitment, pay should be increased, promotions should be implemented, and managers should promote staff training programme involvement.

HRM Practices, Indian Textile Industry, Organizational Commitment

Special Issue | IJTRD , July 2023


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