Novel Testing Kit for Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC) Relay

Novel Testing Kit for Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC) Relay

Gaurav Gadge, Vinaykumar Zade, Sarojit Badal, Sarang Mahatme, Anshuja Khandekar and Bhargavi Sgrinagarwar

Gaurav Gadge, Vinaykumar Zade, Sarojit Badal, Sarang Mahatme, Anshuja Khandekar and Bhargavi Sgrinagarwar "Novel Testing Kit for Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC) Relay" Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Volume-6 | Issue-2 , April 2019, URL:

The paper is based on manufacturing of “Novel testing kit for APFC relay.” In NOVEL testing kit the currents and voltages of only two phases were used to test the relay. In existing testing kits, due to application of inductive load the losses during testing were very high. This problem was overcome in novel testing kit, which tested the relay with purely resistive load.

APFC; Novel; Existing testing kit; Resistive load; Voltage coil; Current coil; Testing; Phase Angle

Volume-6 | Issue-2 , April 2019


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