Dmitry Panursky, Maxim Kaimov and Nataly Podolyakina
This research presents a theoretical study of such a complex and multifaceted concept in the modern economy as the shadow economy. First, the generalization and classification of the essence of the concept of shadow economy is carried out; it is based on the findings of foreign scientists have been involved in this problem issuessince the middle of the previous century. This generalization allowed identifying the problem of lack of a single interpretation of such economic phenomenon as a shadow economy. The consequence of this problem is the difficulties in assessing the level of the shadow economy. This paper demonstrates the classification of the most famous methods for assessing the level of the shadow economy, as well as a brief description is given. After assessing the applicability of the classified methods of determining the level of the shadow economy, the indirect methods of estimating the shadow economy were chosen for a more specified study. Their detailed description is carried out; the advantages and shortcomings of the described methods are defined, which allowed the authors to draw a conclusion about the necessity of developing a new method of an assessment of the shadow economy level.
Shadow Economy, Modern Globalized World, Direct and Indirect Method So Fassessing The Level Of The Shadow Economy, Analysis.