Literature as a Reformatory Tool: The Role of Indian English Literature in Shifting the Stereotypical Paradigms of Womanhood

Literature as a Reformatory Tool: The Role of Indian English Literature in Shifting the Stereotypical Paradigms of Womanhood

Nowfiya Nazeer

Nowfiya Nazeer "Literature as a Reformatory Tool: The Role of Indian English Literature in Shifting the Stereotypical Paradigms of Womanhood" Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Special Issue | IHVLE-18 , March 2018, URL:

Indian English literature which has been a product of colonial encounter started with the imitative phase following the British models and went through various phases hence emerging as a distinctive voice in revealing the quintessential Indian experience. Due to the patriarchal postulations of superior male artistic creativity, the work of women writers has been prejudiced for inferior themes based on their circumscribed experience. The majority of these novels depict the psychological sufferings of the frustrated house wives in search of their identity and self esteem. Literature often mirrors the culture that exists in a society. Hence, literature “grants us access to countless new cultures, places and inner lives” (Merrick 2006, ix). The aesthetic considerations which are made on the changing tastes of its captive audience compelled the Indian literature to experiment new trends and genres to keep up the spirit of their readers distracted by new media and the internet.


Special Issue | IHVLE-18 , March 2018


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