P. Venu Gopal
Knowledge comes to us through different sources. Literature is one of these sources. The aim of this brief article is to explore the role of literature in enabling us to acquire knowledge and also in inculcating humanistic values. Literature is an integral part of human civilization. Hence its origin goes back to the origin of human culture. The early man expressed himself through speech and narration. These forms of compositions are termed oral narratives. Though they are considered less prestigious than written compositions, they are significant bodies of narratives because they contain some of our important sources of knowledge and these are significant components of our culture and civilisation. For instance, these narratives are in the forms of songs, myths, legends, tales and they deal with important domains such as epics, history, law, politics and religion. Needless to say, the Vedas were in the oral form. That is the reason why they were called shruthis meaning they were meant to be heard.