Akbar Badpa, Juhana Salim, Jamaiah Yahaya, Peyman Foroozesh and Mohammad Saeid Arbabi
Knowledge management system (KMS), as a class of information system, promotes KM practices and initiatives. KMS usage brings about organizational performance. However, although KMS has been around for quite a long time, it has been underused or its usage has led to failure, particularly in the context of oil and gas industry. Few causal studies on the effect of KMS usage on organizational performance have been evidenced though they are inconclusive; however, such study in the context of developing economy has rarely been conducted. Therefore, the objective of the current study is to investigate the influence of KMS usage on organizational performance in a developing economy, Pakistan. This research is a part of a PhD research with the focus on understanding the determinants of KMS usage towards organizational performance. The study employed a cross-sectional survey approach and involved 813 knowledge workers in oil and gas industry in the context of a developing country, Pakistan. However, the current paper focuses on the effect of KMS usage on organizational performance. The findings show that there is a strong positive correlation between KMS usage and organizational performance. The study has both theoretical and practical implications.
KM, IS, KMS Usage, organizational performance, developing economy