Route Re-Construction in MH-WSN

Route Re-Construction in MH-WSN

K.Leela Satya Tej Prathap, R. Bala Dinakar

K.Leela Satya Tej Prathap, R. Bala Dinakar "Route Re-Construction in MH-WSN" Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Special Issue | NCETC-18 , February 2018, URL:

In this Project, I contend that via precisely thinking about spatial reusability of the remote correspondence media, I can colossally enhance the conclusion to-end throughput in multi-bounce remote systems. To help our contention, I propose spatial reusability-mindful single-way directing (SASR) also, anypath steering (SAAR) conventions, and contrast them and existing single-way directing and anypath steering conventions, individually. My assessment comes about demonstrate that My conventions fundamentally enhance the conclusion to-end throughput contrasted and existing conventions. In particular, for single-way directing, the throughput pick up will be up to 2.9x; for anypath directing, the throughput pick up will be up to 62.7%.

Underwater sensor networks, opportunistic routing, delay sensitive, energy cost.

Special Issue | NCETC-18 , February 2018


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