Archetypal Representation of Shakespeare‘s The Winter‘s Tale and King Lear

Archetypal Representation of Shakespeare‘s The Winter‘s Tale and King Lear

Jenniffer.L, G. Karthiga

Jenniffer.L, G. Karthiga "Archetypal Representation of Shakespeare‘s The Winter‘s Tale and King Lear" Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Special Issue | NCSPW-17 , March 2017, URL:

The term archetype is applied to narrative designs, character types or images which are identifiable in a wide variety ofworks of literature, as well as in myths, dreams and even social ritual. The women of The Winter‘s Tale and King Lear could bestereotyped in Jungian archetypes. Hermione, reflecting Imogen and Desdemona remains a mother figure archetype being a model ofmarital submission, genuineness and compassion and the victim of baseless jealousy of Leontes. The intense feeling, pathos andsimplicity of Cordelia at the misery and humiliation of an old man heighten her as an epitome of unsurpassed love of mother figure.Perdita is the child archetype of hope bringing Leontes and Hermione together in the bond of spiritual rejuvenation and restoration.Paulina is an archetype of loyal retainer for her unwavering faith, forthright charisma and logical prudence. Goneril and Regan arethe archetypes of vengeance and manipulation and subvert the notions of femininity.


Special Issue | NCSPW-17 , March 2017


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